Electronic Time Capsule (Technical and President)

September 19, 2006, 7:50 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Please find my new blog at



Lost in the woods (Again)
September 5, 2006, 6:27 pm
Filed under: Me have children?, Uncategorized

I am with my friend,mountain biking in the woods.  There are some diamond trails that connect and re-connect to the main trail.  The lady said to be careful as the trails were not groomed.  

 Us understanding: ‘Oh more danger, that is where we should go’

Am I ever so amazed that when 2 males get together to do something the one who faces the most danger wins.  He is subsconciously more brave than the other thus he wins.

Why? Why? Why?  As we both stopped (we had our bikes on our shoulders by that time) we pointed to the direction we thought we should go…well they were opposite.  I gave in since last year I got really lost in the woods… at least this time it wouldn’t be my fault. 

We found the trail after 30feet of walking in the direction my friend choose to take.

I know at one point, I will get lost again and if I don’t die in the woods eating rodents, it will be my wife who will kill me for the stress I have caused her.


1st B-day
September 1, 2006, 3:51 pm
Filed under: Me have children?, Uncategorized

Well  My little boy is not so small anymore!

He turned one yesterday and he liked his cake as much as he hated his monkey gift!

 I am very proud.



Tell it as it is – Feedback – Free Account
September 1, 2006, 3:24 pm
Filed under: Electronic Time Capsule, Uncategorized

Original Logo

I had a need as a father, which led me to the creation of Electronic Time Capsule….  Tell me what you think , positive or negative.

 If you like it, why?  If you could change something about it… what would it be?

Your feedback is important to us and we will read every opinion.  The best post, idea will be published and receive a free subscription…  

contest stops on Tuesday!  ( I am thinking of doing a gift as best post per week)  thoughts on that?



p.s   This was my original logo that got shot down by some (all) of the investors

Could this melt my server? Story on www.computerworld.com
September 1, 2006, 3:16 pm
Filed under: Electronic Time Capsule

I am scared and exited… 

 Electronic Time Capsule will be featured this weekend on www.computerworld.com.  Our team have been working extremely hard to get press since our product is well….new. 

I was looking at the traffic rankings of computerworld on Alexa and I am concerned at our server capacity…. my technical team told me we would be o.k.   As the president, I deal mostly with creation, leading and Public Relations… I will have to rely on my technical team on this one.

Last time I was this scared and exited was 4 months ago when I did my first mountain bike race…. well this is what hapenned in the first drop!  I think my technical team will do better than I 🙂



I Choose
August 28, 2006, 3:19 pm
Filed under: Me have children?

My spouse was in NYC for 4 days, so it was me and the kids in the tent trailer. Saturday Night, after putting A to bed, I went to the cottage beside us with Z. They had installed… The piano, the guitars, the bongos, the amps, the digital mixer and finallstreetperformer1.JPGy 2 microphones.   The poker chips were all nicely lined up and they had set up a bar in a corner.  At 10h30, After signing a bit and playing bongos Z asks me if we could go back to the cottage since she was tired!  I put her on my shoulders and I tucked her in and I choose I would stay with her, sleep and be 100% the following morning for my kids. I love to party, I love to drink, I love to play guitar, I love to play poker, I love to laugh. I run and own businesses’ I work hard, I buy, I sell, I get sued, I sue back, I deal, I hire, I fire. 

The weeks was an intense tornado of business negotiations, The weekend was an intense tornado of drinking and partying.  And so it went on and on.  Then I had the kids. I have gradually seen a switch in what I value, as such priorities started to change.  It was both welcomed and scary at the same time.  My identity was my business and social life and I thought I was really ready to have kids.  Well maybe I wasn’t really, really ready. I have found some of the circles of friends/business, don’t value a ‘dad’ much! They would rather have the party animal back or the aggressive 80hrs/week entrepreneur!  I have found writing a journal really helped me clarify what I thought and what I have felt throughout this ‘transformation’.  It also dawned on me that it didn’t matter what the people around me wanted me to be…I was going to choose. Am I the only one?

Could be interesting – 4 days with the kids, no momma
August 24, 2006, 3:54 pm
Filed under: Me have children?

david_zoe_elephant.JPGAllright, my first entry and it’s alreaday intersting!

 My spouse just left for 4 days for New York and we have 2 kids (Daughter Z who is 3) and (Son A who is 1).

 I am going camping!   I spend a lot of time with my kids and have a good knowledge of what they do/need.  Beside a roof over their head (must not forget tent trailer) and food (must not forget the milk and coco puffs) what else could they need than my undivided attention.

 I am looking for big mistakes from husbands who forgot all sorts of stuff and I will make my list from there!  Ladies, please don’t hesitate to let me know about the huge failures of your husbands…that is where I might get all of the insight I need.

 I am leaving tomorrow night so it gives me exactly 2 days to pack everything that is needed.

